My name is Prannaya Gupta

I'm a

About me

I am a student at NUS High School, majoring in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, with Honours in Computer Science and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). I am the current running President of the NUS High Computer Science Club, AppVenture. I also work as an Overall-in-Charge at BuildingBloCS 2023. I am a former member of the Physics Olympiad Team of NUS High, and the Singapore Physics Olympiad Training Team.

data class Person(
    val name: String,
    val age: String,
    val school: String,
    val countryOfResidence: String,
    val favouriteLanguages: List<String>,
    val randomFact: String

val Prannaya = Person(
    "Prannaya Gupta",
    "NUS High School",
    listOf("Python", "Kotlin", "TypeScript"),
    "I enjoy reading comics."

Android App Development

I have created many Android Applications over the past few years, including an app similar to the Green Pass and an app for Parkinson's Patients to monitor their gait patterns.

Desktop App Development

I have learnt how to develop Desktop Apps using softwares such as JavaFX and Tkinter. Some projects include a DC Circuit Simulator, a Physics Autotracker Application and a fully-functional IDE for my own langugage, Viper.

Data Analytics

I am well-versed with Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib, and I have done many Data Analysis Projects, including a Covid-19 Prediction for Singapore using Time Series Analysis and a an Analysis of The Global Light Pollution Standards.

Database Management

I have learnt how to use Firebase to save Image and NoSQL data. I have also managed CSV, XML and Json data separately. I also use Google's Gson for Android App Development. I am also in the process of learning SQL in a development sense.

Machine Learning and AI

I have taken the Machine Learning course on Coursera by Stanford Online with Matlab Octave. I am well-versed in using Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning and PyTorch/TensorFlow Keras for Deep Learning. I have also done projects to analyse gait patterns for Parkinson's Disease Patients and to segment apartment interiors and exteriors using Transfer Learning.

Command-Line App Development

I have created Command-Line Interfaces for my language, Viper. I have also worked with libraries like Python's Click to display interesting graphics in the Command-Line.

Other Skills

I have taken part in the Quantum Computing Online Course by The Coding School and have used Qiskit before. I am also learning PennyLane's Quantum Machine Learning Library.

IDE Flexibility

I use Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text 3, IntelliJ and Atom among others regularly. I have also used Android Studio, Typora, Jupyter Notebook and the Arduino IDE.

Ryzal Kamis

For the tenure of about a month, I mentored Prannaya as he was assigned to an internal project which requires one to quickly pick up concepts and display technical acumen. On top of having to work with AI models and programming tasks, he had to deal with some MLOps concepts which he had not much prior experience with. That however did not stop him from learning and putting whatever he learned in a short period of time to good use. Prannaya would certainly be a great addition to any team that would have him.

Kenny Chua

I mentored Prannaya during his internship at AI Singapore, during which he helped to develop a frontend GUI for benchmarking and demonstrating state-of-the-art sparse neural networks for natural language processing. Prannaya is a highly capable developer who greatly exceeded expectations by completing tasks far ahead of time. He was able to independently seek solutions to technical blockers with minimal supervision. Moreover, Prannaya is humble and receptive to feedback. He would be an asset to any organisation.

Machine Learning and AI

Gait Analyser

Jul 2020 - Present

with Ananya Nallapuraju and Ye Chen Rui

An Android Application that uses Deep Learning algorithms like CNNs to track Freezing of Gait (FoG) for Parkinsonian Gait diagnosis and monitoring.

Web Development
Database Management


Dec 2022 - Present

with Lim Li Xin Jed

A Website to compile your research projects, collaborate on competitions and more!

Machine Learning and AI
Desktop App Development

Project FACE

Jun 2021

with Yap Yuan Xi and Renoir Tan

Facial-recognition AI for Communicating Emotions (FACE) - An application for visual sentimental analysis, built with Tkinter.